Fun +& Games
The Czech month was very exciting.
We had a lot of fun and learnt many new facts about our close neighbours. Many
teachers and classes got involved in the project. We organised arts and crafts
using many methods. The children were drawing Rumcajs and Hanka, Cypisek,
Krecik and Pat and Mat.
We had a skyping session with the
students from ZŠ Bodláka a Pampelišky, during
which we talked about different things , asked questions and sang two songs
Krakowiaczek and Na tý Louce
Zelený. The teachers organised Czech lessons
with the use of ICT and interactive software. The pupils were watching Czech
cartoons, maps, paintings , old films, ppt presentations about Czech geography,
history and culture. We listened to the DVDs and CDs recorded by thye children
from the Czech school and learnt and recorded the video of the song: Na tý
Louce Zelený.The students had so much fun playing
"Skákání přes gumu" and doing the Czech quiz.
We would like to thank our Czech parters that they shared these things with us.
We would like to thank our Czech parters that they shared these things with us.
"Skákání přes gumu"
The rest coming soon,,,,,,,,,,,